- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Pigeons- I used this pigeon sound because, especially here in New York, we see and hear pigeons everywhere. When I go to the park I see Pigeons all the time.
Squeak- I used the Squeak noise because I wanted to put some squirrel kind of noise in and I thought that this would describe the squirrels.
Children Playing- I used Children Playing because you always see kids in the park playing and running around everywhere.
Swings- I used the swings noise because when we go to the park we can hear the metal creaking while they swing.
Wind- I used the wind blowing because I thought that when you go outside that you go tot the park and you can feel the wind blowing, even if it's a small breeze.
Branches Rubbing- I used this sound because when the wind is blowing the branches of the trees would rub together and make a noise that tells you that the wind is blowing.
Puddle Splashing- I used this sound because in the summer when the sprinklers are on in the park, they make puddles. Then kids love to splash around in the puddles and make the splashing noises.
Whistling Man- I used this sound because we also hear music in the park sometimes and I thought that someone whistling would be a god sound to use to represent that music we hear.
License details for "ALEXA_P_AMBIENTMIXER1"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Pigeons by Alexander +)
- Branches Rubbing by Dave Incamas www.freesound.org +)
- Whistling man by dersuperanton on freesound.org +)
- ye ole Squeaky Swing by ErieLake +)
- Squeak by Motion_S +)
- Blowing Wind by Unknown +)
- Children Playing by yacou from http://freesound.org +)
- Puddle Splashing by Zoom h2 +)